From: Camarca, Maria <> Sent: Thursday, December 2, 2021 4:36 PM To: Wei, Nathaniel (Nathan) <>; Li, Victor H. <>; Huang, Jerry Y. (Jerry) <> Subject: Re: Worship Night Logistics Hello all, I have the email ready to be sent to CCF folk regarding directions, please forward when you can 😊 Dear GCF friends, Reminder that tomorrow (12/3) our Advent Praise...
Hi CCF! Hope y'all are doing well wrapping up this term! We have a very important announcement to make this week: Advent Praise and Worship It's nearing the Christmas season, so come celebrate with the Caltech Graduate Christian Fellowship, Caltech Catholics, and the Caltech Christian Fellowship on Friday! In lieu of regular meetings, we'll be meeting this Friday, December 3rd, 2021, 7-9 pm...
Hey CCF, It's week 9 already! We won't be having CCF this week due to Thanksgiving break. Rest up, and eat some turkey! Announcements: Joint Worship Night The All-Campus Worship Night 2021 will be either 12/3 or 12/4, and we're looking for help! Fill in this form before Thanksgiving if you are interested. We'll need help setting up/cleaning up, advertising, reading Scripture, and leading on the worship...
Hi CCF, Just two quick things. Joint Worship Night The All-Campus Worship Night 2021 is two weeks away, and we're looking for your help! Fill in this form before Thanksgiving if you are interested. We need help setting up/cleaning up, advertising, reading Scripture, and leading on the worship team (all instruments) - so if you think you can serve in any way, come and help...
Hi CCF! Hope y'all are hanging in there. Here are the announcements for this week: Main Group Meeting Our meeting for this week will be Friday (November 19th), from 5:00-6:00 PST in Hameetman (above Red Door) - join us for a time of Bible study and fellowship! Hour of Prayer We're planning to have our first Hour of Prayer tomorrow at 10 pm in the...
Hi CCF, Hope y'all had a good week! It was really exciting to see many new and old faces at the club fair, and we hope to see you this Friday at our weekly meeting! We have a lot of exciting announcements, so here we go: Main Group Meeting Our meeting for this week will be Friday (November 12th), from 5:00-6:00 PST in...
Hi CCF! I just realized that club fair is tomorrow (or I guess today) during CCF, so we're going to cancel main group meeting for this week and instead, have an ice cream social to de-stress after midterm week! We'll meet at Avery circle at 8 pm, and walk over to Yogurtland. The yogurt is on us! Next week, we'll get back on our...
Hi CCF! Hope midterm week went well for everyone! Main Group Meeting Our main group meeting for this week will be Friday (November 5th), from 5-6 pm outside Red Door - join us for a time of Bible study and fellowship! We'll be continuing on our discipleship series. It seems like 5-6 pm works better for most people, so we'll try to meet at this...
Hi CCF! Hope y'all are hanging in there for midterms week! Here are this week's announcements: Main Group Meeting Our meeting for this week will be Friday (October 29th), from 5:00-6:00 PST outside Red Door - join us for a time of Bible study and fellowship! We decided to move up the time to 5:00 pm for this week because of Halloween weekend,...
Hi CCF! Hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready to crush this week. Here are this week's announcements: CCF Meeting We're going to be holding an in-person (yes! you heard right, in-person) meeting at the Hameetman Conference room (upstairs room of Red Door) this Friday, Oct. 22nd from 8:00-9:00 pm. We changed the time to accommodate classes, office hours, sports, etc. better,...
Hi CCF! Hope week 2 is going well for you 🙂 Welcome new frosh! Here is the announcement for this week: Weekly Meeting We will be having our first CCF weekly meeting over Zoom today (10/8) from 5-6 PM. Come out to the meeting for a time of fellowship and prayer. (We are working on the in-person meetings for later weeks so stay...
Hi CCF! Welcome to another year at Caltech! Hope you all are doing well. Here are this week's announcements: Student Sunday (Free Chipotle Luncheon!) + Student Resources Missio Community Church is holding worship at 100 N Hill Ave (4 blocks from Caltech) tomorrow (Sunday) at 10 AM. They will also have a Chipotle luncheon and new student orientation afterwards starting at 11:15 AM. The...
Hi CCF! This week is Week 9! Hope you guys are doing well and wrapping up the school year! Here are this week's announcements: Weekly Meeting Our weekly meeting is on Friday, May 27th at 5pm as always. This is our last meeting of the year, so please be there! Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start...
Hi CCF! It's already Week 8! Hope you guys are doing well and wrapping up the school year! Here are this week's announcements: Weekly Meeting Our weekly meeting is on Friday, May 27th at 5pm as always. Hope to see you there! Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST...
Hi, CCF! Hope you all are doing well 🙂 Weekly Meeting Our weekly meeting is cancelled this week due to an IMPORTANT EVENT on Friday. Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday, 7:00AM PST on Thursday, and then 8:00AM PST on Friday-Saturday. Same Zoom information as the weekly meeting. Tuesday Night Bible Study/Fellowship with Gracepoint Caltech: Come...
Hi, CCF! Hope you all are doing well 🙂 Weekly Meeting Our fourth meeting is on Friday, May 14, from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday, 7:00AM PST...
Hi, CCF! Hope you all are doing well! Weekly Meeting Our fourth meeting is today, from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday, 7:00AM PST on Thursday, and then...
Hi CCF friends,Wow I'm so encouraged by your positive response! Praise God (:In case you were wondering--because some of you had asked--I took a break between third and fourth year of medical school for a research year. I also took the opportunity to learn more about missions through taking the Perspectives class. (I highly recommend it!)This year,I learned that 1/4 of the world will...
Hi CCF,I hope this email finds you well.My name is Jenny. I'm an alum from 2017, BS Chemistry, Avery House, from Texas, currently a medical student at UT Southwestern.Tl;dr - Working on designs to share about unreached people groups with young Christians; we would appreciate 15 min of your time and your feedback for these prototypes. We'll send you some free stickers. Sign...
Hi CCF! Sorry it looks like I missed a couple announcements in the last email so here they are: SAFE (Science And Faith Examined) Event Friday, May 21, @6pm PST Join for a talk and discussion on how digital creatives are influencing the nature of religious authority. Features Heidi Campbell, Professor of Communications at Texas A&M University. Register at Also, PSA from...
Hi, CCF! Hope you all are doing well amidst midterms! Main Group Meeting Our fourth meeting is on Friday (April 30th), from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday,...
Hi, CCF! We're very excited to welcome Jerry Huang and Victor Li to the CCF council! Main Group Meeting Our third meeting is tonight (April 23rd), from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily...
Hi, CCF! Main Group Meeting Our second meeting is Friday (April 16th), from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ). Morning Devotionals: Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday, 7:00AM PST on Thursday, and then 8:00AM PST on...