
[CCF] Week 10

Friday, December 04, 2020

Hi, CCF!

Main Group Meeting
Our ninth meeting is today (December 4th), from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: https://caltech.zoom.us/j/6694135812?pwd=VVBWRWxNYTNEMzhsWkxiL2lhdXc1UT09 (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ).

Morning Devotionals:
Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday, 7:00AM PST on Thursday, and then 8:00AM PST on Friday-Saturday. Same Zoom information as the weekly meeting.

Community Events:
Exciting upcoming events from the community:

Missio Outdoor Christmas Movie
Dec 11, 6:30pm PST
Kick off the Christmas season with Missio's drive-in and socially-distanced outdoor movie! We'll watch the Christmas classic "Elf" on a big screen, drink hot cocoa or hot apple cider, and eat Christmas cookies! Join us at 100 N Hill Avenue, Pasadena. Bring a friend and register at missiocc.org/connect.

God bless!