[CCF] Week 8

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Hi, CCF!

Main Group Meeting
Our eighth meeting is today (November 20th), from 5:00-6:00PM PST—we hope you can join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Click here to join on Zoom: https://caltech.zoom.us/j/6694135812?pwd=VVBWRWxNYTNEMzhsWkxiL2lhdXc1UT09 (Meeting ID: 669 413 5812, Passcode: Christ).

Morning Devotionals:
Join LC to start off your mornings with daily devotionals! 8:00AM PST on Monday-Wednesday, 7:00AM PST on Thursday, and then 8:00AM PST on Friday-Saturday. Same Zoom information as the weekly meeting.

Community Events:
Exciting upcoming events from the community:

Science, Race, and the Church: A Conversation about Repentance and Redemption
Join Upper House and Science for the Church for a conversation among three Christian scholars of religion and science who will bring new insights to this complex issue. We will discuss how contemporary Christians view science, and how science and faith might address racial injustice.
Date: December 2nd, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CST
Register at https://www.upperhouse.org/event/science-race-and-the-church-a-conversation-about-repentance-and-redemption/

God bless!