
[CCF] Finals Week Announcements!

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Dear CCF,

Hope you had a restful weekend!  Here are a few announcements for the last week of term!  

Joint Prayer and Praise Night (no large group this week)
Graduate Christian Fellowship (GCF) is hosting a Christmas-themed joint prayer and praise night!  
Let's worship, pray, and celebrate the birth of our Savior together with other Christian fellowships on campus!  
Tuesday (12/6/16, 8pm) at Avery Library 

Hour of Prayer (HoP): 
A time of worship, accountability, and prayer.  
Thursday (12/8, 10-11pm) at Avery Piano Room

Dig-in Bible Study
Thanks to everyone who came to Dig-in — it was a wonderful time of fellowship and discussion! 
Please let Joseph know if you have suggestions for future dig-ins!  

Thank you all for a wonderful term — best of luck with finals and finishing up work!  


"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."  Psalms 46:1