
[CCF] Dig In Bible Study: Saturday 10:00am - 5:00 pm

Friday, December 02, 2016

Hey everyone,

First term classes are over! I hope you guys enjoyed and learned much
during the past 10 weeks!

If you want to take a break from studying, CCF will be hosting a Dig In
Bible Study this weekend! The details are below:

CCF Dig In Bible Study
WHEN: Saturday, December 3rd, 10:00am to 5:00pm.
WHAT: We will be conducting a Bible study through the entire book of 1 John.
WHERE: 150 Chester Apartments (courtesy of Daniel Lim)
Lunch will be provided

There will also be great fellowship through music, cooking, and
chatting/playing games! Even if you can't stay for its entirety, I
encourage you all to come. Be sure to bring your Bibles too, we'll be
using it throughout the day :).

We will be meeting at Avery Circle at 9:45 am on Saturday, and we will
walk together to Daniel Lim's apartment.

Some other reminders:

There is also a SAFE meeting Saturday evening upstairs at Winnett at 6pm.
Be sure to RSVP if you're interested; you MUST RSVP if you wish to attend.
RSVP here:

Hope you have a restful final weeks!