
[CCF]Spring Term Week 7

Friday, May 13, 2022

Hi, CCF!

Sorry for the late email this week. We're excited to announce Dial A Donut—see below!


Weekly Meeting
No weekly meeting this week!

Dial A Donut
Dial A Donut is this term's iteration of Text A Toastie and/or Call A Crepe! It will on Sunday May 22, 8–10PM. See the attached flyer for more details, and sign up here to volunteer (we need all the help we can get)!

Community events:

Missio Spring Mixer

This has been postponed indefinitely. Sorry for the late notice!

ASA 2022 Annual Meeting
A group of Fuller students are planning a trip to the American Scientific Affiliation's annual conference, at nearby Point Loma Nazarene University. It takes place July 29–August 1. From ASA's website:
ASA's unique mission is to integrate, communicate, and facilitate properly researched science and theology in service to the Church and the scientific community.

The details are still in flux (registration prices have not yet been announced), but the Fuller students have preliminarily invited us to join them. If you're interested, let me know and I'll pass it along!

Thank you,
Joshua Grosso