
[CCF] Meeting Tonight (Week 5)

Monday, February 04, 2019


Reminder that we're meeting tonight at 8PM in SAC 13! There will be snacks, singing, and fellowship. Our regular meetings will be this time and place for the rest of the term.

Other happenings this week:


Girls Group: 

Wednesday (2/6, 12:15pm) in SFL 220

Special guest bible-study leader this week! Reading and discussion from the book of James, no prior reading required. 


Guys Group:

Wednesday (2/6, 12pm) in SFL 231

If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat.


Hour of Prayer:

Thursday (2/7, 10p) in Avery Piano Room

We get together to pray and worship through singing.

In addition, mark your calendars for Science and Faith Examined (SAFE) on Friday, 2/15 at 6pm with dinner! The topic is "Does Faith Add Up? A conversation about mathematics & faith & whether they relate."


See you soon!