Hey CCF, We're in the process of planning for a winter retreat for CCF. Please fill out this poll to help us decide on a weekend Hey CCF, We're in the process of planning for a winter retreat for CCF. Please fill out this poll to help us decide on a weekend ...
Hi CCF, Hope the rain is treating you well! Note guys group is inside this week because of it Guys Group: Thursday (Noon) in sfl 218 If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Finals goodie bags: Thursday (10pm) at Avery Piano room Will decorate goodie bags and fill them with snacks...
Hi CCF! We hope that everyone's terms have been wrapping up nicely. Come join us on Thursday 12/6 at 10:00 pm in lieu of HoP to make finals goodie bags for our friends. There will be cookies, candy, granola bars, etc. Hope to see you there! ❤, CCF Hi CCF! We hope that everyone's terms have been wrapping up nicely. Come...
Hi CCF, Here's what's up this week. Hope to see you there! Guys Group: Thursday (11/29, Noon) in Lind Library If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Hour of Prayer (HoP): Thursday (11/29, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room We get together to pray and worship through singing. Girls...
Hi CCF! This Friday, we'll be putting together Christmas gifts to be shipped overseas to kids in need through a program called operation Christmas child. You'll get to choose the recipient of your box: boy or girl, and age range of 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Each box will take about $20 of gifts, and you can either make your own or make one...
Hi CCF, We have blue slip milkshakes this week! Come stop by and get a milkshake Wednesday 12-1 Olive Walk in front of LLoyd. If you can help set-up or make them that would be great, sign up here. Thanksgiving break this week so guys group, girls group, and HoP will all be canceled. ...
Hi CCF, This Saturday (11/17) from 4:30 to 8:30pm GCF is leading the Caltech Y Adopt-A-Meal Event at Union Station Homeless Center (located in Pasadena). They would really love if some of us could come help out. If you're interested, and are available to help, please email Rebekah Silva at rsilva@caltech.edu Hi CCF, This Saturday (11/17) from...
Hi CCF, Just a reminder that Prayer & Praise Night is tonight at 8pm in Avery Library! This is a special time of worship and prayer with some other Christian fellowships on campus, so hope to see you all there! Hi CCF, Just a reminder that Prayer & Praise Night is tonight at 8pm in Avery Library! This is a special time of worship and prayer with some other Christian fellowships on campus, so hope to see you...
Hi CCF, Lot's of things happening this week. Hope to see you at some (especially Prayer and Praise night!) Imposter Syndrome: Wednesday (11/14, 3:30-5pm) in Avery Dining Hall Join us to learn, discuss, and hear how three current Caltech students have wrestled with their own experiences of imposter syndrome. includes: panel discussion + Q&A + conversation + snacks Guys Group:...
Hi CCF, Here's what's happening this week Guys Group: Thursday (11/8, Noon) in Lind Library If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Hour of Prayer (HoP): Thursday (11/8, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room We get together to pray and worship through singing. Girls Group: Friday (11/9, 12:15p) at...
Reminder that we have text-a-toastie tonight at 8pm!! Please come help in Lloyd Kitchen 🙂🙂 PS. In the last email I said we have FBM this weekend. That was a fluke. Please disregard. Reminder that we have text-a-toastie tonight at 8pm!! Please come help in Lloyd Kitchen 🙂🙂 PS. In the...
Hi CCF, We have two events this weekend: FBM and Text-A-Toastie. Please come help make and deliver toasties tonight in Lloyd main kitchen at 8:00pm Sunday. Hope to see you soon! Hi CCF, We have two events this weekend: FBM and Text-A-Toastie. Please come help make and deliver toasties tonight in Lloyd main kitchen at 8:00pm Sunday. Hope...
Hi CCF, Best of luck as midterms start up! Hope to see you this week: Guys Group: Thursday (11/1, Noon) in Lind Library If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Hour of Prayer (HoP): Thursday (11/1, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room We get together to pray and worship...
Hi CCF, Happenings of the week: (note some change of dates and locations) Guys Group: Thursday (9/25, Noon) in Lind Library If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Hour of Prayer (HoP): Thursday (9/25, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room We get together to pray and worship through singing. ...
Hi CCF, Here's what's happening this week: Girls Group: Wednesday (9/17, Noon) at SFL 220 We're going through the book of Hebrews Guys Group: Thursday (9/18, Noon) in Arms Courtyard If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Hour of Prayer (HoP): Thursday (9/18, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room...
Hi CCF! Hope to see you all tonight, 8pm in SFL 326, for our kick-off meeting. We'll do some worship, tell you about the club, pray, then chat and go get some froyo! See ya'll soon Hi CCF! Hope to see you all tonight, 8pm in SFL 326, for our kick-off meeting. We'll do some worship, tell you...
Hi CCF, Here are our events for this term: Girls Group: Wednesday (9/10, Noon) at SFL 220 We're going through the book of Hebrews Guys Group: Thursday (9/11, Noon) in Arms Courtyard If you're interested in coming, message George Daghlian so he can add you to the guys group chat. Hour of Prayer (HoP): Thursday (9/11, 10pm) at Avery...
Hey CCF, Reminder that there is HoP tonight. It's in Avery Library ß note difference from prior email. See you at 10pm! Hey CCF, Reminder that there is HoP tonight. It's in Avery Library ß note difference from prior email. See you at 10pm! ...
Welcome back CCF! To start of term and get everyone back together, we'll be having a worship … more info on that to come in a future email. Until then, come out to smaller group events happening this week: Girls Group: Wednesday (9/3, Noon) at SFL 220 This term we'll be going through the book of Hebrews. No need to...
Hi CCF, Come out to the cookout tonight at the Del Mar apartments! (Text one of us to let you in) Dinner starts at 6 pm, cooking at 5pm. We'll just be hanging out, maybe play a few games. We'll also be taking our year-book photo at around 6:30pm, so just come for that if you can. Hi CCF, Come out to...
Hello CCF, Here's what's happening this week Spring Cookout: Sunday (6/3, 6pm) Del Mar apartments (more specific address later) Come join us for dinner and a fun time together. If you can help with cooking then come at 5pm, or else, 6pm. Guys Small Group: Wednesday (5/30) 12 pm at fountain by Arms Hour of Prayer (HoP) Thursday (5/31,...
Hi CCF, This Friday night at 6pm at Dabney Hall is the SAFE event, "Can Scientists Believe in Miracles?" with MIT Professor Ian Hutchinson. Dinner features Chipotle burritos and Pie 'N Burger pies. Come out if you have time. You can register here Also, if you're interested: volunteer here. ...
Correction: Instead of Guys Small group we have Blue Slip Milkshakes! People should sign up: Sign-up In case you've forgotten: blue slip milkshakes is when we make free milkshakes on the olive walk to give to those who want them. We do It on drop day every term. From: "Shippee, Tzarina S. (Tzarina)" <tshippee@caltech.edu> Date: Monday, May 21, 2018 at 12:25...
Greetings CCF, Happenings of the week: Girls Small Group: Monday (5/21) 12 pm Guys Small Group: Wednesday (5/23) 12 pm at fountain by Arms Hour of Prayer (HoP) Thursday (5/24, 10pm) in Avery Piano Room A time of worship, accountability, and prayer. Friday Small Group: Friday (5/25, 8pm) in SAC Discuss other world religions. Greetings CCF, ...
Greetings CCF, Happenings of the week: Guys Small Group: Wednesday (5/16) 12 pm at fountain by Arms Hour of Prayer (HoP) Thursday (5/17, 10pm) in Avery Piano Room A time of worship, accountability, and prayer. Friday Small Group: Friday (5/18, 8pm) in SAC Discuss other world religions. Greetings CCF, Happenings of the week: Guys Small Group:...
Hi CCF, Just a reminder that Prayer & Praise Night tomorrow at 7pm in CSS Brennan conference room (3rd floor) ßThis is where it was last term too. This is a special time of worship and prayer with some other Christian fellowships on campus, so hope to see you all there! Hi CCF, Just a reminder that Prayer & Praise Night...
Hello CCF, A special welcome to our new council members! (President: Caroline and George. External Event Coord: LC. Internal Event Coord: Noelle. Small Group Coord: Laura, Bethany. Secretary: Tzarina. Treasurer: Matt. Music Coord: Cherish (Jayce 1st term). Media Coord: Neil) Here's what's happening this week: Praise and Prayer Night: Friday (5/11, 7-8:30pm) in Avery Library A special time of worship and prayer...
Hi Guys, Tonight is FBM!! We'll be meeting at 8pm in SFL 326. ß Note this is different than what was sent in previous emails Feel free to brink snacks Make sure to be there, especially if your name is on this spreadsheet: list of people nominated -CCF Hi Guys, Tonight is FBM!! We'll be meeting at 8pm...
Hi CCF, Come help make toasties and answer questions tonight at 8pm, Lloyd kitchen, for Text-a-Toastie! Also: Here's what's happening this week: Girls Small Group: Monday (4/30), 12:15pm Contact Noelle (noelle@caltech.edu) for more info Guys Small Group: Wednesday (5/2) 12 pm at fountain by Arms Hour of Prayer (HoP) Thursday (5/3, 10pm) in Avery Piano Room A time of...
tldr; FBM2 will be on May 5, 8pm in SFL 220 Hi CCF, We've decided to move FBM to next weekend because of a lot of conflicts this Saturday. (again, here is the list of people nominated, and the nominations submissions form: nominate people here). tldr; FBM2 will be on May 5, 8pm in SFL 220 Hi CCF,...
Happening in 15! I will be a little late though. Cherish ...
Hi CCF, We have two events this weekend: FBM and Text-A-Toastie. Text-a-Toastie Come help out making toasties and answering questions in Lloyd main kitchen at 8:00pm Sunday. FBM2 We'll be making the final decisions on who will be on council next year in SFL 220 at 8pm Saturday - Please make sure to come if you were nominated for a position...
Hi CCF, Here's what's happening this week: Girls Small Group: Monday (4/23), 12:15pm Contact Noelle (noelle@caltech.edu) for more info Guys Small Group: Wednesday (4/25) 12 pm at fountain by Arms Hour of Prayer (HoP) Thursday (4/26, 10pm) in Avery Piano Room A time of worship, accountability, and prayer. Friday Small Group: Friday (4/27, 8pm) at SAC 14 Will be...
Hey guys, There was a mistake in the previous email about FBM. It should read this Saturday April 21 at 8pm. Just to clarify: FBM is when we elect the council for the upcoming yr. Here's the corrected version pasted below: ___________________________ Hi CCF-ers, Our 1st Family Business Meeting (FBM) will be on Saturday April 21st at 8pm in SFL...
Hi CCF, Here's what's happening this week: Girls Small Group: Monday (4/16), 12:15pm Contact Noelle (noelle@caltech.edu) for more info Guys Small Group: Wednesday (4/18) 12 pm at fountain by Arms Hour of Prayer (HoP) Thursday (4/19, 10pm) in Avery Piano Room A time of worship, accountability, and prayer. Friday Small Group: Friday (4/20, 8pm) at SAC 14 Will be...
Hi CCF-ers, Our 1st Family Business Meeting (FBM) will be on Sunday April 21st at 8pm in SFL 220. Please attend if you are interested in discussing about and praying for CCF next year, and/or if you would like to serve in a council position! We'll be discussing the following: Reflection/feedback of the past year, suggestions for next year Council positions and...
Dear CCF, We got an exciting event coming up. It's the Veritas Forum. When/Where: Next Thursday (4/12, 7pm) at Beckman Institute auditorium Format: Short presentations, a moderated discussion, and an open Q&A Topic: What does Human Progress Mean? Two speakers (entrepreneur Dr. Alana Ackerson and Prof. of Philosophy Christopher Hitchcock) will be discussing how next generation leaders can think about implementing technology in a way that...