
[CCF] Incoming Freshmen Ministry!

Friday, September 15, 2017

Dear friends,

As we near the Caltech convocation and as new students arrive on campus, we have a wonderful opportunity, as Christians on campus, to build relationships with students and extend our welcome. Namely, this Sunday morning, CCF and GCF have joined forces to assist students during the morning check-in so that we can let our light shine into the Caltech community! We will be meeting at CSS and you can come anywhere between 8:00 AM - 1:30 PM. Please sign up if you would like to help, even if that means coming in for half an hour. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know; cell: (626) 780-0725. Thank you and may God bountifully bless you!

George Daghlian

B.S. Biology | Class of 2020
California Institute of Technology
Cell: (626) 780-0725