
Re: [CCF] Week 2 Announcements!

Sunday, April 09, 2017

Also, here is a sign-up sheet for Union Station Volunteering -- if you have already sent me an email, I added you to the list!

Take care,

On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 11:32 AM, Yuka Sakazaki <yukasakazaki85@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear CCF, 

Happy Sunday!  Here are some announcements:  

Veritas Forum Workshop: Christian, Pluralism and Multiculturalism 
Discussion about evangelism in the modern university and Christianity as a multicultural movement.  Please indicate your interest on this form and contact Voon Lai (vlai@caltech.edu) with any questions or comments.  
Today (4/9, 2pm) at SFL MCR (3rd floor)  

Family Business Meeting (FBM)
A chance for intentional feedback and discussion about how CCF can better serve the Lord, each other, and the community.  Come by especially if you are interested in serving as a council member next year!  
Today (4/9, 8:30pm) at SFL GSR 220 (2nd floor) 

Large Group
Inductive Bible Study (IBS) on 1 Peter 3:8-22.  
Monday (4/10, 8pm) at SFL GCR (3rd floor) 

Hour of Prayer (HoP)
A time of worship, accountability, and prayer.  
Thursday (4/13, 10pm) at Millikan Bridge 

Union Station Volunteering 
Cooking and serving delicious dinner for 40-60 people through the Union Station Homeless Services (http://unionstationhs.org/) and Caltech Y.  A fun time of cooking, eating, fellowship, and community service -- please send me an email if you are interested!  
Saturday (4/15, 5:15pm) meet at Caltech Y

Easter Services 
If you and/or your friends are interested in attending church next Sunday for Easter but are concerned about not having enough rides, CCF might be able to subsidize transportation costs!  Please contact John Li (jzli@caltech.edu) for details.  

Science and Faith Examined: Friends? Enemies? Frenemies?  
Science and religion, where does the conflict come from?  Is the Conflict real or necessary?  Dinner provided, please RSVP here
Saturday (4/22, 6-9pm) at at Winnett Student Center 

Delivering toasties for hungry Techers who might also be hungry for God :)
Please sign up here if you are interested in volunteering!  
Sunday (4/23, 8-10pm), location TBD 

Spring Retreat Sign-ups 
Camping at Joshua Tree on Memorial Day Weekend (5/28-29 Sun-Mon).  

Take care!