
Re: [CCF] Week 1 Announcements

Monday, April 03, 2017

Hi all, 

Here is an additional announcement:

An Afternoon Workshop with Veritas: Christian, Pluralism and Multiculturalism
Rebecca McLaughlin (Ph.D., V.P. of Content, The Veritas Forum) articulates of why evangelism is intellectually defensible in the modern university and why Christianity is the most multicultural movement in all of history.  Please indicate your interest on this form and contact Voon Lai (vlai@caltech.edu) with any questions or comments.  
Sunday (4/9, 2-4pm) at SFL MCR  

Thank you,

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 8:31 AM, Yuka Sakazaki <yukasakazaki85@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear CCF, 

Hope you all had a wonderful break!  Here are some announcements for this week:  

GCF Lunch Meeting: Origin of the Elements by Jonas Lippuner 
Ever wondered where all the elements such as carbon, oxygen, iron, gold, uranium come from (spoiler: it's not supernovae, at least not for the heavy elements)?
Monday (4/3, noon) at Caltech Y 

Large Group
Welcome back to a new term!  Let's come together for a time of fellowship, worship, and prayer!  
Monday (4/3, 8pm) at Avery Library

Hour of Prayer (HoP)
A time of worship, accountability, and prayer.  
Thursday (4/6, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room

Family Business Meeting (FBM)
A chance for intentional feedback and discussion about how CCF can better serve the Lord, each other, and the community next year.  
Sunday (4/9, 8:30pm) at 9th floor Millikan Library 

Spring Retreat Sign-ups 
Camping at Joshua Tree on Memorial Day Weekend (5/28-29 Sun-Mon).  

Take care,