
[CCF] Week 6 Announcements!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Hi CCF, 

Hope you had a blessed weekend!  Here are some announcements:  

Large Group 
We will be discussing the 5th and 6th commandments: "Honor your father and your mother" and "You shall not murder" (Exodus 20:12, 13)
Monday (2/13, 8pm) at SFL MCR 

North House Small Group
A journey through the New Testament.  
Tuesday (2/14, 8pm) at Ruddock 244

Veritas Forum: Meaning-Making Methodologies
"A Christian mathematician and an atheist geoscientist share their views on what makes life worthwhile."  Paul Asimow (Professor of Geology & Geochemistry, Caltech) and Francis Su (Professor of Mathematics, Harvey Mudd).  
Wednesday (2/15, 7pm) at Baxter Lecture Hall 

Hour of Prayer (HoP)
A time of worship, accountability, and prayer.  
Thursday (2/16, 10pm) at Avery Piano Room

Science and Faith Examined (SAFE): How do we know?  
What does it mean to know something? How does the methodology of science make it a reliable source of truth? Do science and religion intrinsically conflict? Join us as we discuss the philosophical foundations of knowledge!  Dinner provided.  
Saturday (2/18, 6pm) at Dabney Hall

Avery Girl's Small Group 
An informal time of bible reading and sharing.  Non-averites are welcome :) 
Sunday (2/19, 1pm) at Avery Piano Room

Joint Prayer and Praise Night
This month CCF will be hosting!  It will be a holiday (no CDS), so we will be having a potluck-style dinner!  
Monday (2/20, 7pm dinner) at Avery Library 

Blue Slip Milkshakes
Drop day is coming up and so is Blue Slip Milkshakes!  Sign up here to be a volunteer: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qUzLN9CPklEyJvWF8juFFmd7TizsngMXzjGnsPC9CNg/edit?usp=sharing
Wednesday (2/22, 12pm) at Olive Walk

Take care!