
Re: [CCF] CCF Week 2.5 Announcements!

Monday, January 16, 2017


Apologies, Large Group today is at SFL, not Avery Library. The time is still 8pm. Sorry for the typo!

Best regards,

On Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Yuka Sakazaki <yukasakazaki85@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Happy MLK weekend!  Here are some announcements:

Large Group 
We will be discussing the first of the 10 commandments: "You shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3)
Monday (1/16, 8pm) at the Avery Library 

North House Small Group
A journey through the New Testament.  
Tuesday (1/17, 8pm) at Ruddock 244

Hour of Prayer (HoP)
A time of worship, accountability, and prayer.  
Thursday (1/19, 10-11pm) at Avery Piano Room

Science and Faith Examined (SAFE) event: Why evil?
"The problem of evil is one of the most persistent questions in philosophy.  It's a question that every worldview (whether naturalist, religious, or agnostic) has to deal with in some way.  Join us as we explore this important issue with help from an accomplished philosopher!"  
Free dinner for Caltech students!  RSVP here: http://www.scienceandfaithexamined.org/third-event
Saturday (1/21, 6-8:15pm) at Winnett Student Center

Delivering toasties (toasted sandwiches) and responding to questions about the Christian faith!  Sign up here to be a volunteer :) 
Sunday (1/22, 8-10pm), meet at 7:30pm at Central Lloyd Kitchen for toastie-making 

Sign up for Winter Retreat!  
A weekend at Big Bear spent with God and each other!  Activities include fellowship, worship, Bible study, as well as games, stargazing, and homework.  
Please reserve a spot here ($10 deposit), preferably by 9:30pm tomorrow (1/16): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctpy3VO5CD0qcnegRUqnj4m2f2BysWJhF_5sWiinHx13CbDQ/viewform
1/27-1/29 (Fri-Sat/Sun)

Take care and God bless!  