[CCF-Announcements] CCF Weekly Announcements

Sunday, October 09, 2016


Hope things are going well!  Here are some upcoming events for CCF and other Christian fellowships:   

Large Group:
We will be discussing the topic of prayer :) 
Monday (10/10, 8pm) at SFL MCR (3rd floor)

North House Small Group: 
Wednesday (10/12, 9pm) at Ruddock 244 

Hour of Prayer (HoP):
A time for worship, sharing, and praying together. 
Thursday (10/13, 10pm) at Millikan Bridge

Encounter Jesus Fellowship Bible Study: 
A Bible Study held by one of our local churches, Hill Community Church.  
Friday (10/14, 8pm) at Caltech Y

Happening this weekend!  We'll be delivering toasties (toasted sandwiches) in response to text messages.  People are also encouraged to ask questions about God, Jesus, and Christianity — in which case we'll try to answer the best we can.  Let us know if you're interested in helping out!   
Saturday (10/15, 8-10pm), toastie-making in Avery LGT 

Science and Faith Examined (SAFE):
"What is the degree of approximation of a brain to a computer? What can mathematics tell us about A.I. and creativity? Are there things in existence that are unknowable? Join us as we discuss these related questions."  Find out more at: http://www.scienceandfaithexamined.org/#home
Friday, October 28 (6pm-9pm) at Dabney Hall 

Finally, we have a Facebook page now, in case you're interested! @CaltechChristianFellowship

Take care!  
~CCF Council  


"The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."
Psalms 19:1 ESV