
[CCF-Announcements] Large group tonight and FBM next saturday!

Monday, April 04, 2016

Large Group Today| Monday April 4, 9pm | Avery library
We'll be singing some hymns and then having a discussion about the assurance of salvation. Hope to see you there!

Family Business Meeting | Saturday April 16, 12pm | Grant Park
We will be having our first family business meeting in two weeks. Lunch will be provided! Family Business Meetings (FBMs) are important to the functioning of CCF and it is important for members to attend. At these meetings we decide leadership roles and discuss which directions we want to go in as a fellowship. Please begin praying for guidance for us all!

There will be 3 FBMs: (1)a general discussion on what went well this year and what we want to do next year (2) CCF council will describe council positions and there will be nominations for those positions (3) New leaders will be chosen.

If you can't make it, feel free to reply to this email with any thoughts you have and we'll share it at the meeting.