
[CCF-Announcements] Guest speakers at large group TONIGHT and Veritas Forum this Wednesday...

Monday, February 15, 2016

Guest speakers at large group TODAY | Monday Feb 15, 9pm | *AVERY CONFERENCE ROOM*
We'll be having four guest speakers from The Travelling Team. They're going to talk about missions and what the Bible says about it. Hope you can make it!! There might be a location change, so keep an eye out for that. 

Blue slip milkshakes | Wednesday Feb 24, 11:30-1:30pm
We're going to make milkshakes on the Olive Walk to cheer people up on Drop Day. 
Sign up for a time slot here: http://goo.gl/forms/PcI3ZK1IcW

Veritas Forum at Caltech | Wednesday Feb 17, 7pm | Baxter Lecture Hall
The annual Veritas Forum will be next week. The goal of these forums is to "engage students and faculty in discussions about life's hardest questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life." It might be a good way to initiate discussions about our faith, so definitely think about inviting friends, classmates, etc.
This year's talk is titled: THE ACCIDENTAL ACADEMIC - A Professor's Journey Through Science, God, and Making a Name for Himself

South House Small Group Leaders?
Please let us know if you're interested in leading/co-leading a small group in the South Houses. You can reply to this email or just talk to someone on council at the end of large group; we'll try to help you and figure out how to get this started :)

Spring Retreat | March 17-19
We will leave on Thursday morning and try to get back by Saturday 3pm at the latest. The location and schedule are still being worked out, but the plan is to go through a book of the Bible like we've done for Dig-Ins (manuscript Bible studies).